Sign Up ->  accept Terms & Conditions -> receive a confirmation email -> activate account-> Login -> Set Up Business Profile

Sign Up form

The Sign Up form allows you to create an account with

Be advised that the information should be correct and will be used for future use of our services.

1. Email address - this is your unique identification inside our systems. It should be valid and will be verified for you to be able to use our services. It is impossible to change your email later.

2. Your mobile phone number.

2. First and Last Names are the details of the actual person who is going to use our system, the end-user. You will have a different section for you to add your company information.

3. Password and password confirmation - should be entered according to the requirements.

After entering all the necessary information, press "Start". You will be redirected to the next screen, where you will need to choose:

1. Your role - Buyer  (if you are importing the goods you have purchased), Seller (if you are exporting the goods you have sold), or Other (if you want to keep your options open).

2. Your residence - in the US or in another country.

After making both selections, press "Sign up".

After pressing the "Sign up" button, you will be redirected to a page confirming that we have received your data. 

Also, we will send an email to verify the email address you have entered during the first step of the sign-up.

If you haven't received an email in a reasonable time frame, try to resend the confirmation email by pressing the "resend the confirmation email" link at the bottom of the welcoming page or check your Spam box.


Press the “Activate account” button within the email, and you will be redirected to the Login page.