When buying a customs bond for AD/CVD entries, an importer of record must post collateral for the entire bond amount. Usually, it's $50,000. The importer of record may provide collateral as either an irrevocable letter of credit from an approved bank or wire the entire amount + processing fee to the surety. Please contact Galaxy for specific instructions, as they may change occasionally, such as a list of banks.

The surety will only return the collateral 180 days after either the last entry under the bond has been liquidated or the continuous bond has been cancelled, whichever is later. All outstanding payments to the CBP under the bond must also be satisfied. This is important because the liquidation of AD/CVD entries can take considerable time. Normal, non-AD/CVD entries are usually liquidated within 314 days following the entry filing unless the CBP acts explicitly to extend or suspend the liquidation. AD/CVD entries are routinely subject to liquidation suspension.

Entry liquidation means the final determination of duties for an entry (the amount that the importer pays on our website or using PUN constitutes only a deposit of duties). As AD/CVD entries may be under administrative or judicial review for years, their liquidation is suspended for the duration of the review + 180 days. Following the liquidation, there may be three possible scenarios:

  1. Duties are increased - in this case, the CBP mails the importer a notice to make a payment. The importer must pay the difference between the initial and final duties + interest.
  2. Duties are decreased - CBP pays the difference between the initial and final duties back to the importer but does not pay any interest.
  3. Duties remain the same - no action is required.

The practical implications for the return of the collateral are that the importer may have to wait for several years before the surety will return the collateral for AD/CVD entries. The importer will also need to pay any additional duties for the entries filed under the bond before the surety will return the collateral.